Finding Love Peace and Flo

  • Seeking Validation

    Let’s face it... we’ve all been there; especially in the age of social media. Anytime you’re feeling a little down on yourself, the quickest way to...
  • Trigger Happy

    Being easily triggered is typically brought on by some type of insecurity that hasn’t been addressed and managed. ⁣⁣
    I admittedly am easily triggered at times (not often... but at times)...

    Partly because of past issues & traumas that I faced in life and never addressed and properly healed from... sometimes I don’t realize that it’s an issue until I’m... well, triggered lol. ⁣⁣

  • The Power of Choice

    I was listening to the @blackgirlinom podcast on my way to work one morning and I heard this simple, yet beautiful quote from @drcrystaljones... it was even more beautiful in the context it was used in (tune in to the podcast to hear their full discussion)... but the quote resonated with me as I was just having a chat with a friend about the power of free will and learning how to use it wisely; especially as you get older. ⁣