Trigger Happy

Being easily triggered is typically brought on by some type of insecurity that hasn’t been addressed and managed. ⁣⁣
I admittedly am easily triggered at times (not often... but at times)...

Partly because of past issues & traumas that I faced in life and never addressed/properly healed from... sometimes I don’t realize that it’s an issue until I’m... well, triggered lol. ⁣⁣
However, I’ve been doing the work to address these “trigger points”. ⁣⁣
Thanks to growth and therapy (which is ESSENTIAL), there are very few trigger points that I have to address. These recent years I've learned to speak what’s on my mind quite fluently and not only that... I try to handle any issues that I feel are causing me to be betray myself OR cause my self-esteem to waiver which inevitably releases those trigger points.
